Friday, January 8, 2010


Yes it is cold here in Moriarty, NM. 6 degrees when we woke up this morning. Brrrrrr. The furnace is working overtime and we switched out another propane bottle yesterday. Yesterday it did snow a little, more so towards the Sandia Mountains to our west.

Work continues on our improvements here, with a couple of snags fishing romex lines for our solar outlets. We hope to be finished today, then try the solar system out tonight...and with luck be on our way to the low 70s weather in Gila Bend. When we get there, they will probably have record lows.

Not to complain though...our hearts go out to our friends and family in the frigid north central US. We are so fortunate to be able to move to better weather.

Laundry today (we have only had electricity hook up, so we have been watching our water consumption as well as how much goes into our holding tanks.), and we have a bunch of dirty clothes!


  1. WOW, 6 is really, really cold. It was 34 this morning in Zapata, TX.

    Get to warmer weather !!

    Glen & Gayla

  2. brrr. yes keep looking for warmer weather!!!
    We found it in Mazatlan
