Saturday, May 22, 2010

Better late than never...

I think the theory behind blogging is that you keep a sort of journal, and at its best, it is daily. Oops, not this blog.

I suppose it is better to be late than never, but in this case, it really taxes the memory. Like, what was I doing 2 weeks ago? How can I recall things more than a day old? Sometimes I forget stuff that is only an hour old! Well, here is the last few weeks in a nutshell...

Smith Center, KS
We left Grand Junction, boon docked in Eastern Colorado at a Flying J. The next day (Sat) we parked at the Excel factory in Smith Center KS to have our last gasp use of our two year warranty. We got several things taken care of--the pantry was jamming, not any more! Ellen is happy!! Yet another new water pump was installed. The kitchen slide was fine tuned and the underneath plastic covering was replaced. They also replaced the 'glide rite' hitch attachment, which minimizes 'chucking' when on a less than smooth roadway. They also did a number on our large slide, which was set too low and was causing binding and the living room carpet to bunch up. As of May 26th, we are going to be on our own for repairs and adjustments...

New Friends
While at the factory (we were there 7 days), we got to know and isited with two terrific couples, Virgel and Nancy Kroeker from Minnesota, and Howard and Mel Robinson from all over. Both are full timer couples and Excel lovers. Howard and Mel had been living in England.

Erin's Family, Gowrie, IA
A week ago Saturday we pulled in to Gowrie IA to visit Erin and Babbs and kids. Had a nice visit, that's for sure, including a few games of Settlers of Catan. We were able to take Ashely to Auburn to meet Craig, her long distance boyfriend from Audubon. We only got to see Jaiden, Mason and Ethan on Monday, as they were at Jeff's for the week. We picked them up after school, had some good time with them, then took all out to eat at the Pizza Ranch in Jefferson.

Fort Dodge, IA
On Tuesday we packed up for Fort Dodge, and stayed at Kennedy Park. Got the Ford serviced at Fort Dodge Ford, shopped and had some 'down' time to relax. We spent an afternoon with friends Alec and Charlton Pendry, then on Thursday Ellen got to go to her monthly Book Club which she totally enjoyed. While she was chatting with the ladies, I met Mike Zahm (counselor at my old school), Ryan Reisner (former student and poker buddy), and Joel Greathouse (also a poker player) at Lefti's Bar. It was great to catch up.

Minneapolis MN, Jenn's Family
On Friday we drove up highway 169 to Lebanon Hills County Campground near the Minneapolis Zoo. We usually stay here when visiting Ellen's daughter Jenn and her family. Had a fun reunion with Jenn, Ben and Mica. Jenn had a nice pot of pea soup, sourdough bread and pastries from a not-so-fat-free bakery on the south side of Minneapolis. I got out of control really fast. Spent time walking around the pond at Powderhorn Park with Jenn and Mica, played some UNO when we got back, then trundled on back to the RV.

1 comment:

  1. There ya go, thought you forgot about us. And like you said what did I do yesterday? a week ago? Keep on posting.
