Ellen and I spent yesterday with John and Sharon Leek (next door to us at Augie's Quail Trail, they are from Onamia, MN) with the main goal to see the Woodcarvers Show at the Mesa Convention Center. Ellen and I had gone to this show 3 years ago and enjoyed it immensely.
The displays of wooden creativity were inspiring! All sorts of animals, birds, fish, were carved out of all kinds of wood...some painted, some natural finish. Human faces and figures of all sorts were on display. And then came the part where I buy stuff. I picked out 5 new carving knives, a multipurpose strop for keeping the knives sharp, some ornament blanks for future Christmases, and some good glue for the times I lop off something that is supposed to stay part of the carving.

We bumped into Jackie and Charlie Letsche from Cherokee IA. We met these folks at Val Vista RV Park in Casa Grande 3 years ago, and actually went with them to this very show back then! It was good to visit and catch up.
We had a huge feast at Sweet Tomatoes. Wow, one of our favorite buffets. Talk about food overload...We spent the rest of the day shopping, and did enough of that to manage a Baskin Robbins treat before heading home.
too much fun running into old acquaintances.